HydroCAD® Stormwater Modeling - Since 1986

Software Status Bulletin # 125

Subject: Windows Copy/Paste

Applies to: HydroCAD 10.0 build 17 to build 20


The Windows Paste operation (Ctrl-V) does not work in some tabular data entry screens.


Use HydroCAD 10.0 build 21 or later to restore full copy/paste capability.


This problem is corrected in HydroCAD 10.0 build 21 which is available for download.  No other capabilities of HydroCAD are affected by this problem.

Technical Details

Starting with HydroCAD 10.00 build 17, the paste command (Ctrl-V) was assigned to a tabular copy/paste operation, thereby disabling the normal Windows paste command in some tabular HydroCAD data entry screens.   The problem has been corrected by re-assigning the tabular copy/paste operations to new keystrokes, as shown in the context menu.

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