HydroCAD® Stormwater Modeling - Since 1986

Software Status Bulletin # 114

Subject: Divide-by-zero error during pond routing

Applies to: HydroCAD 9.1 builds 1-20


Certain culvert fill depths may cause a divide-by-zero error during the routing calculations.


Culvert fill depths that generate a repeating decimal (such as 2/12 foot) may cause a divide-by-zero condition during the routing operation.


As a work-around, try a slightly different fill depth, such as 2.1" instead or 2.0".


This problem is corrected in HydroCAD 9.1 build 21.  Owner's of HydroCAD 9.1 can download the latest build using their previous download instructions.  If you do not encounter the error your results are not affected and you do not need to update.

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