HydroCAD Messages
This document lists all HydroCAD messages in numerical
order. Messages are grouped into three categories based on severity:
Messages # 1-31 are calculation
Notes. They provide basic information
about the calculations being performed.
Message # 35-62 are calculation
Hints. They indicate items that may
require further attention.
Message # 63-99 are calculation
Warnings. They indicate a serious
condition that must be investigated and addressed.
Message # 100-900 indicate
that a certain operation has failed and could not be completed.

Calculation Notes:
Green notes indicate normal calculation
activities. Click on any item in the HydroCAD Message Window for a detailed explanation.

[01] Note: {node} Duplicate node number skipped
A node was encountered with a number that was already in use. The node is skipped, and the program continues to process any additional nodes.
This message usually occurs while adding a project that contains nodes that don't have unique numbers. Before adding a project, you should generally renumber any nodes with conflicting numbers. To add any nodes that were skipped, renumber the applicable nodes and add the project again.
The message can also occur when pasting nodes from the clipboard, or opening a project that contains duplicate node numbers.
Tip: To make a clone of an existing node use Ctrl-drag (rather than cut and paste.)

[02] Note: Exceeded node capacity
The current project has exceeded the nominal node capacity of your program.
You can continue to work with the project, but you will not be able to save the project or produce multi-page reports unless you reduce the number of nodes. The automatic project backup will also be suspended until the number of nodes is reduced.
Warning: If you're using the HydroCAD Sampler, your changes will be lost when the Sampler's time limit expires. To save your project you must reduce the number of nodes before the time limit expires.

[03] Note:
Added x nodes and updated y nodes
This message indicates the number of nodes that have been added and/or updated
by the Project|Add or Project|Merge command.

[04] Note:
Repositioned x nodes
This message indicates that a number of nodes have been repositioned for better
visibility. This occurs automatically if the nodes don't contain the expected
position information. The repositioned nodes are selected and
aligned in a row at the bottom of the routing diagram.
This situation occurs primarily with project files that are generated by another
application with doesn't provide position information. To avoid automatic
repositioning of nodes, be sure they have a valid position before the file is
opened in HydroCAD.

[10] Note: Updating to {node} as needed
Routing calculations are being performed up to a specific node. To save time, downstream nodes are not being calculated, unless a dynamic or simultaneous routing method is selected. Any other nodes will be automatically updated when required.

[13] Note: Time span = 5-20 hrs, dt= .05 hrs, 301 Points
This message indicates the time span and
time increment (dt) being used to generate and route hydrographs. The message also indicates the number of points in the resulting hydrographs.

[16] Note: Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS
This message indicates the method being used to produce runoff hydrographs.
When using the SCS method, the message also indicates the Unit Hydrograph (UH) being employed.
When using the Rational method, the message indicates the hydrograph rise/fall rates.
These parameters may be changed with Settings|Calculation.

[18] Note:
Sample County 10-Year Duration=20 min, Inten=4.30
in/hr, Cf=x.x
This message indicates the current IDF file and rainfall event, plus the duration, intensity,
and frequency factor being used with the Rational method.
These parameters may be changed with Settings|Calculation, or by selecting another rainfall event.

[19] Note: Type II 24-hr 10-Year Rainfall= 4.30" x2, AMC=3, Ia/S=0.05
This message indicates the rainfall distribution, rainfall event name, and rainfall depth being used to generate runoff hydrographs.
The letter "x" indicates that several back-to-back storms are being generated, with the specified rainfall depth occurring in each of the storms.
The Antecedent Moisture Condition (AMC) is shown for dry, wet, or saturated conditions (1, 3 or 4). For normal conditions (AMC 2) the value is not shown.
The ratio of Ia to S is shown whenever the default value of 0.2 has been changed.
These parameters may be changed with Settings|Calculation.

[22] Note: Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method
This message indicates the method being used to perform hydrograph routing through each reach.
The routing method may be changed using Settings|Calculation.

[25] Note: Pond routing by Stor-Ind method
This message indicates the method being used to perform hydrograph routing through each pond.
The routing method may be changed using Settings|Calculation.

[28] Note: Updating {node}
This message indicates that runoff or routing calculations are being updated for a given node.
Routing calculations are automatically updated as required to view or print reports. HydroCAD employs a "minimal recalculation" feature, so that only the required nodes are updated at any given time.
Upstream nodes are automatically updated as required to produce a valid inflow. During a dynamic or simultaneous routing, any downstream nodes that contribute to a tailwater effect are updated concurrently. Otherwise, downstream nodes are just marked as "invalid" and will be updated as their results are required.
Additional information is available on the calculation process employed for each subcatchment, reach, pond, and link.

[31] Note: Calculations complete
This message indicates that all the calculations required at this time have been completed.
Some nodes may not have been updated, if their results were not immediately required.

Calculation Hints:
Yellow hints indicate an unusual condition
which may require attention. Click on any item in the HydroCAD Message Window for a detailed explanation.

[35] Hint: This storm should not
be rescaled
The current rainfall distribution is designed to be used at a preset storm
duration (commonly 24 hours) and should not be rescaled to a different duration.
Scaling to a different duration will adjust the peak intensity proportionately,
which is generally incorrect.
If you are attempting to use a shorter version of this storm you may be able
to use the "Trim" option instead of "Rescale". The trim option will "zoom in" to
the center of the storm, preserving the peak intensity of the original rainfall
distribution. For details read about the storm duration.

[37] Hint: Longer time span advised for full volumes
The calculation time span may not be long enough to encompass the entire hydrograph duration. This may cause the reported hydrograph volume, runoff depth, and detention time to be less that the "true" values. Peak flows generally are not affected by this situation.
If you wish to study the entire hydrograph volume, you may set a longer time span on the Settings|Calculation screen.
Before increasing the time span, a visual inspection of the hydrograph is recommended. If the hydrograph is visibly truncated at the beginning or end, a longer time span is suggested. On the other hand, this message may be triggered by a relatively minor condition that does not merit a longer time span.
Certain conditions, such as a base flow
or a pond with an extended discharge, can also trigger this message. In
these cases you may not need to set a longer time span. However, due to
the extended duration of flow, the reported volumes will be dependent on the
time span you select.
[40] Hint: {node} Not described
No description has been entered for the node, or the data is incomplete. For a subcatchment, no runoff is produced. For a reach, pond, or link, any inflow is passed through unchanged.
To describe the node, select Node|Edit.
An undescribed node can be useful during initial design work, since it allows a node to be placed on the diagram but not described until later.

[42] Hint: Gap in defined storage above volume #x at yyy'
A gap exists in the storage data immediately above the specified volume.
This is usually the result of missing storage data. To ensure accurate and
stable results be sure you have defined all the available storage for the pond.
When you use multiple storage definitions they can be contiguous (stacked one on
top of the other) or overlapping (placed side-by-side). Since the volumes are
being modeled as a single "level pool", they are assumed to be freely
interconnected, so there must be some storage at any given elevation
within the overall storage range. In some cases the "missing" volume could be a
vertical pipe or catch basin, which could be included in the storage data as a
vertical cylinder. But if the volumes are not interconnected they should not be
modeled as a single pond.

[43] Hint: {node} Has no inflow (Outflow=Zero)
This node has no inflow on the routing diagram, so it will produce no outflow unless it has a base flow and/or initial water surface elevation.

[44] Hint: Pond Outlet Device x is below defined storage
The invert of the specified outlet device lies below the defined storage
range, and therefore will cause an abrupt transition in the stage-discharge
relationship which may make the routing unstable.
For optimum stability you should provide additional storage information down
to the outlet invert. For example, if the outlet is installed in a sump at the
bottom of a pond, you should generally include the storage volume of the sump in
addition to the volume of the main pond. In addition to improving the
stability of the model, the additional volume will generally improve the
peak-attenuation capability of the pond.
Note that this warning applies only to direct outlet devices. Downstream
devices (such as the outlet of a riser structure) can generally be placed below the storage range without causing

[45] Hint: Subcat Runoff=Zero
The subcatchment has produced no runoff. This can occur in any of the following situations:
1) The entire runoff may be occurring before or after the specified
time span. To change the time span use Settings|Calculation.
2) For the SCS or SBUH methods, the rainfall depth may be insufficient to generate any runoff as determined by the SCS runoff equation. This is normal when low rainfall depths are used in combination with low curve numbers.

[46] Hint: Subcat Tc=0 (Instant runoff peak depends on dt)
When the time-of-concentration is zero, the precipitation excess appears immediately as runoff. Since the calculated peak flow is based on the average over each time interval (dt), using a longer dt (in relation to the peak duration) will yield a lower "peak" flow.
If the instantaneous peak is required, reduce the dt. The dt may be changed using Settings|Calculation: Time Span.
Note: The calculated runoff volume is not affected by the dt setting.

[47] Hint: Subcat Peak is xxx% of capacity
of segment #n
The peak runoff for the subcatchment has exceeded the nominal capacity of the
specified flow segment. This may be acceptable if the flow segment is near the
top of the subcatchment and isn't handling runoff from the entire area.
Otherwise you should adjust the dimensions of the flow segment so that it is able
to handle the total peak flow.

[48] Hint: Subcat Peak<CiA due to short duration
Due to the short rainfall duration, the peak runoff has not had time to attain the full value predicted by the Rational Method equation Q=CiA.
In order to attain the full peak, the rainfall duration must be greater than or equal to the Time-of-Concentration multiplied by the Rise Rate. Shorter durations will produce a proportionately lower peak.
Short durations may also reduce the total runoff volume. For further details, see the Rise/Fall tab of the Calculation Settings screen.

[49] Hint: Subcat Tc<2dt may require smaller dt
When the time-of-concentration is less than twice the
time increment (dt), the instantaneous peak may exceed the (average) hydrograph peak for a brief time (less than dt).
If the instantaneous peak is required, reduce the dt. A dt of one-half the smallest Tc will prevent this message from occurring. The dt may be changed using Settings|Calculation: Time Span.
Note: The runoff volume is not affected by the dt setting.

[51] Hint:
xx Area used default ground cover
/ soil group
When importing watershed data, a ground cover or soil group was not specified
for all areas, so the default value was used for those areas. The message will
also indicate the default that was used, plus the area to which it was applied.
The default ground cover and soil group are specified on the Settings|Watershed
screen. When using a default value, be sure to draw all areas that should not
use the default.

[52] Hint: Reach Inlet/Outlet conditions not evaluated
Reach routing calculations assume normal-flow conditions in the channel or pipe. The software does not evaluate
reach inlet conditions or tailwater, although these may often be a controlling factor.
If you wish to consider entrance losses, pressure flow, or other conditions for a pipe, it should be modeled as a pond with a culvert outlet. You can automatically convert a pipe reach to a pond with Node|Convert to Pond.

[55] Hint: Reach Peak inflow is 1xx% of Manning's capacity
The reach is operating above its Manning's normal-flow capacity. This may be acceptable depending on the design criteria.

[56] Hint: {device} started at x.xx hrs
A dam breach or delayed outlet has commenced at the indicated time and water surface elevation.
For details read about dam breach calculations.

[57] Hint: Pond Peaked at xxx' (Flood elevation advised)
The peak water surface elevation is displayed. Since a flood elevation has not been specified, HydroCAD is unable to determine if this is an acceptable elevation.
If the peak elevation is higher than expected, make sure you have defined all necessary outlet devices. For example, if the level exceeds the top of your pond or catch basin, you must define a suitable overflow device. Otherwise, the elevation may attain an unrealistic level.
It is also recommended that you define a flood elevation for this node. This will allow a warning message to be automatically generated whenever the water surface exceeds the specified elevation. Setting a flood elevation will also improve calculation speed by allowing a better estimate of the elevation range prior to routing.

[58] Hint: {node} Peaked x.x' above defined flood level
The peak depth in a reach or pond has exceeded the defined flood elevation. Routing continues as usual. (A separate warning message occurs whenever a reach or pond exceeds the highest defined stage.)
The significance of this message depends on the flood level that has been specified for this node. The message does not indicate that the calculations themselves have been compromised.
If the peak elevation is higher than expected, make sure you have defined all necessary outlet devices. For example, if the level exceeds the top of your pond or catch basin, you must define a suitable overflow device. Otherwise, the elevation may attain an unrealistic level.

[59] Hint: Culvert outlet resized to xx"
The specified culvert outlet or pipe reach has been resized according to the criteria established on the Resize tab of the Settings|Calculation form.

Up to HydroCAD 8.0: |
HydroCAD 8.5 and later: |
[61] Hint:
{node} Submerged xx% of Reach x bottom
The node's peak elevation has partially submerged the bottom of an inflowing reach.
This message occurs when the peak elevation (tailwater) is greater then the outlet invert but less than the inlet invert. The percentage indicates the fraction of the reach length that is submerged. If the tailwater had risen above the inlet invert a separate warning message would have been issued.
Important: The reach routing calculations are not altered by this situation. The routing continues to be performed as if the reach were operating under normal Manning's flow with no tailwater influence. The user is responsible for adjusting the model in any way that is deemed necessary to accommodate this situation. In some situations, an alternate routing method or modeling technique may be required.
Reminder: In most situations, a pipe reach is best modeled as a pond with a culvert outlet.
[61] Hint:
{node} Exceeded Reach x outlet
invert by x.x' @ x.x hrs
The node's peak elevation has exceeded the outlet invert of an inflowing
reach, but did not exceed the reach's outlet depth at any time
during the routing. See illustration.
This degree of tailwater is common, and does not
necessarily require further action. The reach routing calculations continue to
be performed as if the reach were operating under normal Manning's flow with no
tailwater influence. The user is responsible for adjusting the model in any way
that is deemed necessary to accommodate this situation. In some situations, an
alternate routing method or modeling technique may be required.
If the tailwater had risen above the outlet
depth, a more serious warning message [62] would have been issued. |
[62] Hint:
{node} Submerged xx% of Reach x inlet
The node's peak elevation has partially submerged the inlet of an inflowing reach.
This message occurs when the peak elevation (tailwater) rises above the inlet invert but remains below the calculated inlet depth at all times. The percentage indicates the fraction of the defined reach depth that is submerged at the inlet.
Important: The reach routing calculations are not altered by this situation, even though it may reduce the actual reach discharge. The routing continues to be performed as if the reach were operating under normal Manning's flow with no tailwater influence. Since these basic routing assumptions are no longer valid, an alternate routing method or modeling technique may be required. The user is responsible for adjusting the model in any way that is deemed necessary to accommodate this situation.
Reminder: In most situations, a pipe reach is best modeled as a pond with a culvert outlet, which can accommodate a wider range of tailwater conditions. |
[62] Hint:
{node} Exceeded Reach x OUTLET
depth by x.x' @ x. hrs
At some time during the routing, the node's water
surface elevation has exceeded the flow depth at the reach outlet, but
always remained below the inlet depth. The message indicates the maximum
amount of exceedance, and the time at which it occurred.
This message indicates that part of the reach has
been "flooded out" by the downstream node.
See illustration.
Important: The reach routing calculations are not
automatically changed to accommodate this situation, even though it may reduce
the actual reach discharge. The routing continues to be performed as if the
reach were operating under normal Manning's flow with no tailwater influence.
Since these basic routing assumptions may no longer be valid, an alternate
routing method or modeling technique may be required. The user is responsible
for adjusting the model in any way that is deemed necessary to accommodate this
If the tailwater had risen above the inlet depth,
a more serious warning message [63] would have been issued. |

Calculation Warnings:
Red warning messages indicate that calculations
have exceeded acceptable conditions. Runoff and routing results may not be
reliable while any warning messages are present! Even with a "failed"
system you need to resolve the warnings in order to accurately simulate the
failure. Any "Storage Exceeded" or "Oscillation" warnings should be addressed first,
since they may indicate problems that effect the entire model, and can cause
secondary warnings to occur. Click on any item in the HydroCAD Message Window for a detailed explanation.

[63] Warning: {node} Exceeded Reach x INLET depth by
x.x' @ x.x hrs
At some time during the routing, the node's water
surface elevation has exceeded the flow depth at the reach inlet,
indicating a tailwater dependency, or even the potential for reverse flow. The
message shows the maximum amount of reverse head and the time at which it
occurred. See illustration.
Important: The reach routing calculations are not
automatically changed to accommodate this situation, even though the higher
tailwater may in reality cause a reduction in flow, or even a reverse flow. The
routing continues to be performed without tailwater effects or reverse flow, as
if a one-way valve were preventing any backflow. The user is responsible for
adjusting the model in any way that is deemed necessary to accommodate this
Note: If the reach is being used to connect two
ponds, you may want to remove the reach and connect one pond directly to the
next. This will provide additional capabilities for handling the tailwater

[64] Warning: {node} Exceeded Reach x outlet
bank by x.x' @ x.x hrs
At some time during the routing, the node's water surface elevation has exceeded
the top of bank at the reach outlet, indicating a likely overflow. The message
shows the maximum exceedance and the time at which it occurred. See illustration.
Important: The reach routing calculations are not
automatically changed to accommodate the potential overflow. The user is
responsible for adjusting the model in any way that is deemed necessary to
accommodate this situation.
Note: This warning is generated only for an open channel, and
not for a (closed) pipe reach.
(This message was added in HydroCAD 10.20-3b)

[65] Warning: Reach Inlet elevation not specified
The reach inlet elevation has not been specified. This information is required in order to detect potential tailwater effects.
Note: An undefined invert elevation commonly occurs with projects that were imported from HydroCAD 5 or earlier. These projects considered only the reach depth, and had no knowledge of the reach elevation in relation to other nodes.
Use Node|Edit:Profile to specify the inlet elevation for each reach.

[67] Warning: {node} Inflow not allowed - Ignored
This node cannot accept an inflow hydrograph. The inflow is ignored.
Separate procedures are available if you need to route a hydrograph through a subcatchment.

[68] Warning: Import data skipped
Some of the imported data could not be fully processed. The data that was skipped is listed before this message, and in the project notes.
This warning may occur when importing data from TR-20. In order to properly replicate the results obtained with the original data, the skipped items must be manually incorporated into the HydroCAD project.
After incorporating the skipped items, you should open the Project|Notes screen and update that information accordingly.

[70] Warning: Subcat Tc<8dt requires smaller dt
The rising limb of a Rational Method hydrograph contains fewer than eight ordinates. A smaller dt is recommended in order to accurately represent the hydrograph. (A dt of .01 hours is generally appropriate for most Rational method calculations.) Inspection of the hydrograph is also advised.
The dt may be changed using Settings|Calculation: Time Span.

[73] Warning: Subcat Peak may fall outside time span
The calculated runoff peak isn't within the middle 90% of the specified
time span. Under these conditions, the reported "peak" is the highest flow within the time span, and may not be the true peak.
Inspect the hydrograph and change the time span to include the peak. The time span may be changed using Settings|Calculation: Time Span.

[74] Warning: xx Area has no ground cover/soil
When importing watershed data, a ground cover or
soil group was not specified for certain areas. The message will indicate the
amount of area that had no ground cover or soil group.
Because a ground cover or soil group was not specified, the Curve Number cannot
be determined for these areas. To resolve the problem, revise the input data or
specify default values on the

[75] Warning: Subcatchment xx
area mismatch
When importing watershed data, the total area of a
subcatchment did not match the sum of the individual subareas. The message
will indicate the actual difference in areas.
The situation is usually caused by mismatched
(overlapping) subcatchment boundaries, which will also generate a
skipped line message message for each overlapping area. To locate the
overlaps, right-click each "skipped line" and select Find Entity.
This will center and flash each entity on the drawing.
To view the areas associated with each subcatchment,
select the node on the HydroCAD routing diagram.

[76] Warning: Reach Detained x.xx AF (Pond w/culvert advised)
A pipe reach has filled with water, causing the flow to be limited and the excess volume to be detained without head.
IMPORTANT: Pipe reach calculations assume normal-flow conditions in the pipe. If you wish to consider entrance losses, pressure flow, or other conditions, the pipe should be modeled as a pond with a culvert outlet.

[77] Warning: Pond Manual tailwater submerged device # by x.x'
The pond's manual tailwater elevation exceeds an outlet device which is not tailwater-aware. This message occurs when the manual tailwater setting is above the invert of one of the pond's final outlet device(s), and that device is not able to respond to tailwater conditions.
Important: The pond routing calculations are not altered by this situation, even though the manual tailwater may reduce the pond's actual discharge. The routing continues to be performed based on the existing stage-discharge relationship, as if the tailwater did not exist.
This message can occur only for specific types of outlet devices that are unable to respond to tailwater conditions, such as exfiltration and some special outlets. To resolve the situation, either adjust the existing device to accommodate the tailwater, or switch to another device that has the ability to respond to tailwater, such as a weir or orifice.

[78] Warning: {node} Submerged Pond x device # by x.x'
The node's peak water surface elevation has submerged the specified pond outlet device. This message occurs when the peak elevation (tailwater) rises above the invert of one of the pond's final outlet device(s), and that device is not able to respond to tailwater conditions.
Important: The pond routing calculations are not altered by this situation, even though the tailwater may reduce the pond's actual discharge. The routing continues to be performed based on the existing stage-discharge relationship, as if the tailwater did not exist.
This message can occur only for specific types of outlet devices that are unable to respond to tailwater conditions, such as exfiltration and some special outlets. To resolve the situation, either adjust the existing device to accommodate the tailwater, or switch to another device that has the ability to respond to tailwater, such as a weir or orifice.
Note: This message does not indicate a potential reverse-flow condition. A separate message is generated whenever a reverse-flow potential exists.

[79] Warning:
{node} Submerged Pond x device # by x.x'
The node's peak water surface elevation has submerged the specified pond outlet device. This message occurs when the peak elevation (tailwater) rises above the invert of one of the pond's final outlet device(s).
Important: The pond routing calculations are not altered by this situation, even though the tailwater may reduce the pond's actual discharge. The routing continues to be performed based on the existing stage-discharge relationship, as if the tailwater did not exist.
Since a static stage-discharge curve cannot accommodate a variable tailwater, the tailwater must be specified manually using Node|Edit:Tailwater. If one of these tailwater options isn't sufficient, an alternate routing method may be required,
such as the Dynamic Storage-Indication method. The user is responsible for adjusting the model in any way that is deemed necessary to accommodate this situation.
Note: This message does not indicate a potential reverse-flow condition. A separate message is generated whenever a reverse-flow potential exists.

[80] Warning: {node} Exceeded Pond x by x.x' @ x.x hrs (x.x cfs x.x af)
At some point during the routing, the node's water
surface elevation has exceeded the water surface elevation of an inflowing pond, indicating a possible reverse flow. The message shows the maximum amount of reverse head, the time at which it occurred, and an estimate of the potential reverse flow.
In some situations, the reverse head may be caused by an excessively large
time increment. Reduce the dt or increase the finer routing increment to see if this reduces or eliminates the problem. Certain routing methods may require a finer routing increment when two adjacent nodes have very similar water surface elevations.
Important: The pond routing is not altered by this situation, even though the higher tailwater may in reality cause a reverse flow. The routing continues to be performed as if a one-way valve were preventing the backflow. The user is responsible for adjusting the model in any way that is deemed necessary to accommodate this situation. If the potential reverse flow volume is significant in proportion to the total outflow volume, you can consider modeling a
reverse flow, which will also suppress this warning.
Note: This and other warning messages can be triggered by basic routing failures, such as oscillations. If any oscillation warnings are present, these must be resolved first.

[81] Warning:
{node} Exceeded Pond x by x.x' @ x.x hrs
At some point during the routing, the node's water
surface elevation has exceeded the water surface elevation of an inflowing pond, indicating a possible tailwater dependency. The message shows the maximum amount of reverse head and the time at which it occurred.
Important: The pond routing is not altered by this situation, even though the higher tailwater may in reality cause a reduced discharge. To remedy the situation, select a pond routing method that is able to handle tailwater effects,
such as the Dynamic Storage-Indication method.
Note: This and other warning messages can be triggered by basic routing failures, such as oscillations. If any oscillation warnings are present, these must be resolved first.

[82] Warning: Early inflow requires earlier time span
Some inflow may be occurring before the beginning of the specified
time span, and is therefore not included in the routing. An earlier time span is required in order to include the early part of the inflow hydrograph.
The time span may be changed using Settings|Calculation: Time Span.

[85] Warning: {node} Oscillations may require
smaller dt or Finer Routing
The outflow of a pond or reach contains a greater number of peaks than the
inflow. This suggests that oscillations were induced by the routing and that the
routing results may not be valid! The severity rating indicates the magnitude of
the problem. A low severity rating (starting at 1) may be acceptable, while a
high rating (in the hundreds) indicates a major problem. For details and
solutions please read about oscillations.

[86] Warning: {node} Oscillations may require smaller dt
The outflow of a pond or reach contains a greater number of peaks than the
inflow. This suggests that oscillations were induced by the routing and that the
routing results may not be valid! The severity rating indicates the magnitude of
the problem. A low severity rating (starting at 1) may be acceptable, while a
high rating (in the hundreds) indicates a major problem.
For a more stable routing use the DSI procedure
instead of SimRoute. For additional details and
solutions please read about oscillations.

[87] Warning:
{node} Oscillations may require
smaller dt or Finer Routing
The outflow of a pond or reach contains a greater number of peaks than the
inflow. This suggests that oscillations were induced by the routing and that the
routing results may not be valid! The severity rating indicates the magnitude of
the problem. A low severity rating (starting at 1) may be acceptable, while a
high rating (in the hundreds) indicates a major problem. For details and
solutions please read about oscillations.

[88] Warning: {node} Qout>Qin may require
smaller dt or Finer Routing
The peak outflow of a pond or reach was greater than the peak inflow. This can
occur if the storage is very small in relation to the inflow volume, or if there
are abrupt changes in the stage-discharge curve or inflow hydrograph.
Examine the hydrograph plot. In some cases, this message
may be triggered by normal routing conditions. If a visual inspection confirms
the presence of routing problems, they can usually be corrected by using a
smaller time increment (dt)
If the problem is not resolved by using the smallest
available time increment, you may be able to resolve the problem by setting the
finer routing value to 2 or 3 for that particular node. (See the Advanced tab of
the applicable node.)
If this fails to correct the problem, the available
storage may be too small to permit an accurate routing for this node, or there
may be an overfilled storage condition that needs to be corrected.

[89] Warning: {node} Qout>Qin may require smaller dt
The peak outflow of a pond or reach was greater than the peak inflow. This can occur if the storage is very small in relation to the inflow volume, or if there are abrupt changes in the stage-discharge curve or inflow hydrograph.
Examine the hydrograph plot. In some cases, this message may be triggered by normal routing conditions. If a visual inspection confirms the presence of routing problems, reduce the
time increment (dt) until the situation is corrected. This may require a reduction to the minimum dt of 0.01 hours.
If you are using the Sim-Route procedure, the available storage may be too small to permit an accurate routing. When modeling very small ponds, catch basins, or manholes, the Dyn-Stor-Ind method may produce better results. Also, try the Catch basin option for the applicable ponds.

[90] Warning: {node} Qout>Qin may require
smaller dt or Finer Routing
The peak outflow of a pond or reach was greater than the peak inflow. This can occur if the storage is very small in relation to the inflow volume, or if there are abrupt changes in the stage-discharge curve or inflow hydrograph.
Examine the hydrograph plot. In some cases, this message may be triggered by normal routing conditions. If a visual inspection confirms the presence of routing problems, they can usually be eliminated by increasing the finer routing value on the Setting|Calculation screen or by reducing the overall
time increment (dt). If this fails to correct the problem, the available storage may be too small to permit an accurate routing for this node.

[91] Warning: Reach Storage range exceeded by xx'
The water surface elevation has exceeded the highest defined stage. Routing continues using a linear extrapolation of the storage and discharge curves, which may produce unreliable results.
Important: For accuracy, you must extend the stage-storage data in order to prevent extrapolation.

[92] Warning: Pond Outlet Device x is above defined storage
The invert of the specified outlet device lies
above the defined storage range, and therefore does not contribute to the
pre-calculated stage-discharge curve. This can result in no flow being allowed
through the device. This situation also suggests that you may not be defining
all the storage that actually exists in the pond.
Important: In order for the device to be properly evaluated, additional
storage information must be provided so that the device falls within the defined
storage range. There should be at least one defined stage above the top
of the highest outlet device. Details here.
When using outlet devices such as a weir, remember that storage does
exists above the crest of the weir. Even if the pond's surface area
remains the same (i.e. has vertical sides) there will be additional
storage as the water starts to flow over the weir. In order to obtain an
accurate routing, you must provide storage information for this operating
range. If storage data is not provided, HydroCAD assumes zero storage in this
range, and the routing results will be inaccurate.

[93] Warning: Pond Storage range exceeded by xx'
The water surface elevation has exceeded the highest defined stage. All defined storage has been filled. Routing continues by applying additional head to the outlet(s), but without utilizing any additional storage. In essence, the pond has been extended upward as a pencil-thin chamber with no additional storage. (For details, see the pond's stage-storage plot.)
Important: For accuracy, you must define additional storage in order to accurately represent the physical situation being modeled. This may consist of additional stage-storage data and/or storage chambers, as required to describe the actual storage. The additional storage may also resolve other warnings (such as oscillations) that can result from inadequate storage.
This warning commonly results from a failure to provide storage data above the highest outlet device, such as an emergency spillway. Although you may not intend to utilize this storage, complete storage information is required in order to perform an accurate routing. When using custom stage-storage data, the situation is easily resolved by entering storage at one or more elevations above the upper-most outlet.
It is also possible that you have failed to include an overflow device for the pond, causing the elevation to rise beyond the expected level.
Note: If the storage volume is actually sealed (no additional storage is available) then the warning does not necessarily indicate a problem. Under these conditions the storage volume will become pressurized.

[95] Warning: Pond Outlet Device x rise exceeded
The water level has exceeded the rise of the specified outlet device (usually a weir), but no matching device was found to handle the flow at higher elevations. Calculations will continue using orifice flow through the specified rise, but without using any additional flow area.
Important: To obtain accurate results, you probably need to define another outlet device (generally a weir) to handle the flow that will occur when the headwater exceeds the top of the lower weir. In order to suppress this message, the invert of the upper weir must be equal to the lower weir's invert plus its rise.
Note: When using a custom weir to model an orifice, including a final zero-width stage will suppress this warning message.
For details read about weir rise.

[96] Warning: Pond Channel Outlet x depth
by yy
The water surface elevation in the pond has exceeded the depth of the outlet
channel by the specified amount. Routing continues using the maximum channel
capacity, without making any allowance for the additional head.
Important: To obtain an accurate routing you must increase the
channel size to accommodate the actual flow. Otherwise the excess will be
detained until the WSE drops below the top of the channel.
(This message was added in HydroCAD 10.1)

[97] Warning: Reach Factor X Out Of Range
The X-factor used by the Muskingum-Cunge routing procedure has exceeded the permissible range of 0.0 to 0.5. The routing has been performed using the corresponding limit.
Important: To obtain a valid routing, you must adjust the routing parameters as required to produce a coefficient within the expected range. For further details see the routing results in the reach summary, as well as the description of the Muskingum-Cunge routing procedure.

[98] Warning: Max. Lift of x.xx' exceeds pump
At some time during the routing, the required lift was greater than the pump
could deliver. No pump flow occurs under these conditions. If you intend to
operate the pump at this lift, you should insert additional points at the
beginning of the rating table to adequately describe the pump flow under
high head (low flow) conditions.

[99] Warning:
Min. Lift of x.xx' is below pump
At some time during the routing, the pump lift was below the range specified by
the rating curve. Under these conditions, the pump flow is assumed to be the
highest value specified in the rating table. If you intend to operate the pump
at this lift, you should add additional points at the end of the rating table to
adequately describe the pump flow under low head (high flow) conditions.

Other Messages:
These messages may be displayed in conjunction with
other HydroCAD operations.

Warning 111: Invalid Serial Number
The serial number you entered is not valid. Please check your
download email for the correct serial number.
This is the only place your complete serial number will appear. If you lose this information, you will need to order a replacement serial number.

Warning 112: Duplicate Serial Number Skipped
A duplicate serial number was found and ignored. Unless another valid serial number is present, HydroCAD will not run.
This can occur if you enter a revised serial number without removing the old one. To correct the problem, remove one of the duplicate numbers on the Settings|Serial Number screen.
Note that a duplicate serial number is one that contains the same digits up to the decimal point. This portion of the number is permanently assigned to your program and will not change from one version to the next.

Warning 114: Outdated Serial Number Skipped
An outdated serial number, was encountered and ignored. Unless another valid serial number is present, HydroCAD will not run.
This can occur after installing a HydroCAD update, if you fail to enter the revised serial number that came with your update.
To restore the full capabilities of your program, open the Settings|Serial Number screen and enter the new serial number(s)
from your download
email. Also be sure to remove the original (outdated) serial number.

Warning 115: More Recent Serial Number Skipped
A serial number from a more recent release was found and ignored. Unless another valid serial number is present, HydroCAD will not run.
This can occur if you enter the serial number for a HydroCAD update, but fail to install the update itself. If you are sharing your license over a network, someone else may have installed a new version without updating your computer.
To correct the situation, install the correct update on your computer. If you specifically need to run both versions concurrently, you may be able to do this by entering both the old and new serial numbers on the Settings|Serial Number screen.
Note: If you are running HydroCAD in a VM Windows
may be misreporting the version number of the hydrocad.exe file. This can happen
if you attempt to deploy HydroCAD without running the standard setup program and
you don't provide the appropriate compatibility details in your deployment.
Customers have reported good results using "installed-permanent layer 1" for the
Windows VM. Starting with HydroCAD 10.0 build 25 this condition will
return Error 142.

116: You cannot store
multiple serial numbers on a local drive
You are attempting to store more than one serial number on a
local drive. Unless you are setting up license pooling,
you should only enter a single serial number.
1) If you're changing your serial number (e.g.
due to capacity increase or a version update), remove the previous serial
number(s) leaving only the single newest number.
2) If you're trying to set up
license pooling, use the Network button to select a
shared license folder. If the license will not be shared, enter just the one
serial number which will be assigned to this PC.
(This message was implemented in HydroCAD 10.00 build 25.)

Warning 120: Remove Earlier
Serial Number
When upgrading to a larger node capacity, you must remove the previous (lower
capacity) serial number, or HydroCAD will continue to operate with the lower
node capacity. Use the Settings|Serial Number screen to view and remove
the old serial number.

Warning 122: Sample project files
not found
Sample data files were not found for the current user. Re-run the setup program
in order to create the missing files for the current user.
When HydroCAD is installed, sample data files are created only for the current
user. Although other users can run the basic software, they will not have a
private copy of the sample files unless they install HydroCAD using their own
login credentials.
Installing HydroCAD again will not cause any conflicts or create any duplicate
files except for these specific samples.

Warning 125: No Default Printer
In order to print from HydroCAD, a default printer must
be specified in the Windows printers folder before you start HydroCAD. If you encounter this error,
open the printers folder and verify that one of the printers has a check mark
indicating it is the default.
Although it is possible to run HydroCAD without a default
printer, none of the print functions will operate unless a default printer is
If a
default printer already appears to be selected, the Windows printer settings may be damaged or
incomplete. Temporarily set another printer as the default and then
reselect the original printer. This process will correct any damage to the
Windows default printer setting.

Error 130: Unable to Create User File
HydroCAD was unable to create a user file in the license folder. This is usually the result of a network drive being off-line or having inadequate access rights. Each HydroCAD user
must have full read, write, creation, and deletion rights to all
files in this folder, including files created by other users.
To resolve this situation, re-establish the connection to the specified folder and click the Retry button.
If the folder is permanently unavailable, click the Yes button to abandon this folder and revert to the default license folder. You will then be prompted to re-enter your HydroCAD serial number(s).
To defer any action, click the No button to exit from HydroCAD without changing your settings. You can run HydroCAD later when the folder is available.
Technical Note: By default, license information is stored in the HydroCAD program folder, which is usually
\Program Files\HydroCAD (up to HydroCAD 9.1) or \ProgramData\HydroCAD
(in later versions). However, you may change the license folder in order to share your license(s) over a network. If you are getting this error message, it usually means that you have changed the license folder, and that the folder is no longer available. This can happen if the folder has been deleted, or if the computer containing the license folder has been turned off or disconnected from the network.
This error can also occur if you are running an older version of HydroCAD (9.1
or earlier) with a newer version of Windows (Vista or later). These
operating systems require HydroCAD-10 or later in order to avoid this error.
The error may also occur if custom security measures have been implemented that
prevent full access to this folder.
Error 131: Unable to
access new License Folder
HydroCAD was unable to access the new license folder. This can
occur if the folder does not exist, or you do not full access rights.
Each HydroCAD user must have full read, write,
creation, and deletion rights to all files in this folder, including files
created by other users.
To resolve this situation, make sure the folder
exists and that you have full access rights.
See the full error message for exact details on
the failure.For further information read
about license pooling.

Error 140: Incomplete Installation
HydroCAD has been improperly installed, or the installation has been damaged. To correct the problem, you must run the original HydroCAD setup program.
This situation occurs most often when attempting to manually move the program to a different computer or folder. If you need to move the program, you should first uninstall the original program, and then reinstall HydroCAD in the new location. (Uninstalling HydroCAD will not alter your settings or project files.)
If you want to run HydroCAD on more than one computer (subject to the License Agreement), you must repeat the installation process on each computer. (Manually copying the files from one computer to another will not work.)
If you still get this error after a successful installation, make sure HydroCAD is not configured to run in Windows "Compatibility Mode". (Right-click the HydroCAD icon and select Properties. Then click the "Compatibility" tab and make sure none of the options are selected.)
Technical Notes: This error indicates that essential information is missing from the Windows registry. This information is automatically created by the installation program, and is required before HydroCAD can run. If you still get this error after following the proper installation procedure, your computer may be configured to prevent the creation of new keys in the HKLM section of the registry, or you may have insufficient access rights. Contact your system administrator for further assistance.
If the error states "Custom license path does not exist" you should delete the
invalid registry value at
HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\HydroCAD\LicPath. (This will occur only
if a custom license path was previously defined for
license pooling, and that path is no longer accessible.)

Error 141: Missing Version or Copyright Information
The HydroCAD program file is damaged. To correct the problem, you must run the original HydroCAD setup program.

Error 142: Invalid Version Number
The HydroCAD version number is invalid. This can occur if Windows is translating
the version number to mimic an earlier version.
Reinstall HydroCAD using the latest installation package. If you are
deploying HydroCAD by other means, such as a cloned environment, you may need to
include an appropriate Windows manifest to declare that HydroCAD is compatible
with your Windows installation and prevent it's version number from being
misreported by Windows. For details see startup
problems. (This message was implemented in HydroCAD 10.00 build 25.)

Error 145: Network Files Not Found
The folder you selected does not contain a network installation of HydroCAD.
 | If you are trying to use shared HydroCAD data files, you must create the
shared installation before it can be selected from this PC. |
 | If you are trying to setup shared license information, you are on the wrong
screen! To share your licenses over a network, open the Settings|Serial Number
screen and click the Network button.

Error 150: Network Files Not Found
HydroCAD was unable to find the shared network files you previously specified.
Click OK to temporarily use local files instead
-or- click Cancel to leave HydroCAD.
This error can occur only if you (or your system administrator) has configured HydroCAD to use shared data files, as specified on the Settings|Network screen.
To permanently resolve this error, you must:
1) Restore access to the specified network folder
2) -or- Open the Settings|Network screen and select a new folder
3) -or- Open the Settings|Network screen and click "Reset" to use local data files.
If you specify a network folder, it must contain a complete installation of the same version of HydroCAD you are currently running on your PC.
Note: This feature is used to share special data files and lookup tables over a network. It is not used to share HydroCAD license information (which is configured on the Settings|Serial Number screen) or HydroCAD project files (which can be freely stored in any local or network folder).

Error 160: Network Files Don't Match
The shared network files are not the same version as the current HydroCAD program.
Click OK to temporarily use local files instead
-or- click Cancel to leave HydroCAD.
This error can occur only if you (or your system administrator) has configured HydroCAD to use shared data files, as specified on the Settings|Network screen.
To permanently resolve this error, you must:
1) Update the network installation to match the current program
2) -or- Open the Settings|Network screen and click "Reset" to use local data files.

Error 170: Cannot write to {file}
Data could not be written to the specified file.
The file for folder may be write-protected, or you may not have sufficient
access rights.
 | Check the file properties to be sure the file is not Read-Only. |
 | Check with your network administrator to be sure you have full access to the
specified file or folder. |

Error 180: Unable to connect to
HydroCAD was unable to connect to a file that is required for AutoCAD
communication. To correct the problem, rerun the HydroCAD setup program
and be sure you have selected the version of AutoCAD you intend to use with
HydroCAD. If the desired version is not listed, a HydroCAD update may be

Error 181: Unable to run xxxxxx
HydroCAD was unable to run a specific file that is required for AutoCAD
communication. The error message will indicate the exact nature of the failure.
To correct the problem, rerun the HydroCAD setup program and be sure you have
selected the version of AutoCAD you intend to use with HydroCAD. If the desired
version is not listed, a HydroCAD update may be required.

Error 183: AutoCAD Version
Mismatch in xxxxx
The AutoCAD program you are communicating with appears to be the wrong version.
To resolve the problem:
1) Make sure you are running HydroCAD-10 build
12 or later. Earlier builds may encounter this error on computers with
multiple AutoCAD installations.
2) Rerun the HydroCAD setup program and select the version of AutoCAD you intend
to use. If your AutoCAD version isn't listed, a HydroCAD update may be required.
3) If the problem persists, manually start the selected version of AutoCAD
before starting the import process -or-
4) Select the desired AutoCAD version on the Import tab of the Watershed
Settings screen.
Note: xxxxx indicates the version of AutoCAD that was
selected during setup, and must match the version of AutoCAD that is actually
used for data import.

Error 185: Unable to open drawing
HydroCAD was unable to open the specified drawing file. The message will contain
additional details on the failure.
If the message indicates that HydroCAD "Cannot find program ID:
1) Make sure AutoCAD is installed, and
2) Make sure you are not running HydroCAD in
XP-compatibility mode. (To access the compatibility mode settings, right-click
the HydroCAD shortcut and select Properties.)

Error 186: Layer name not
A required layer name was not specified. Review the layer
assignments on the Settings|Watershed screen and provide the missing

Error 187: Layer does not exist
A required drawing layer was not found while importing watershed data. To
make sure all required layers exist, open the Settings|Watershed screen and
select "Verify Layers".

Error 188: Invalid Polylines
HydroCAD detected invalid entities on one of the drawing layers while importing
watershed data. The invalid entities are highlighted for inspection and
correction. Note that some problems can be corrected automatically by selecting
"Fix Polylines" on the Settings|Watershed screen. If this error occurs when
auto-correction is enabled, you must correct the problem manually before the
watershed import can be completed.
All watershed line-work must have the following characteristics:
-Must consist of standard or lightweight polylines.
-Must have at least 3 vertices.
-Must be closed, even if the first and last vertices coincide.
-Must not be self-crossing.
-Cannot include circles or individual line segments.
When auto-correction is enabled, HydroCAD will close any open polylines by
connecting the first and last vertices. Self-crossing of the first and last
segments will be corrected by trimming the portion of these segments that
extends beyond their point of intersection. Any other errors are not corrected
automatically, and will cause the import process to stop if "Check Polylines" is
Note: Although you can allow the import process to continue in the presence of
invalid polylines by deselecting "Check Polylines", this is not recommended
since it will allow potentially invalid polylines to be used in the import
process, and may generate invalid results.

Error 189: Watershed import
The watershed import process has failed. Details
will appear in the actual message. This is a general category for a
number of AutoCAD layer processing errors, such as "General modeling failure". To resolve the problem:
1) If the message indicates "non co-planar geometry",
make sure all the drawing elements have the exact same elevation.
2) Otherwise, Restart AutoCAD and try again.
3) If the problem persists, there
may be a damaged object on one of the drawing layers. To identify the problem,
delete objects from the layer one at a time until the problem is resolved.
4) If the problem cannot be
isolated to a specific object, there may be a hidden object that is causing the
problem. To resolve this problem, copy the essential objects to a new layer and
update the HydroCAD layer designations accordingly.

Warning 200:
Usage charge failed
HydroCAD was unable to process a node usage charge, possibly as the result of
an internet connection problem.
To avoid possible loss of data, you should save your work and exit from
HydroCAD promptly. If you do not exit, and another error occurs, HydroCAD will
exit without further notice.

201: Usage charge
HydroCAD was unable to process a node usage charge, possibly as the result of
an internet connection problem.
Because this is the second occurrence, HydroCAD will exit immediately.
Although HydroCAD will attempt to save your open projects, this cannot be
guaranteed. To minimize this risk you should exit at the first warning.

209: License Initialization Failed
HydroCAD was unable to initialize the internal license manager. This could be
caused by file damage or other failures. The message will contain further
details. HydroCAD will exit immediately and will not run until the problem is

Error 210: Cannot Connect to License Server
HydroCAD was unable to connect to the license server. Check
your internet connection and try again. Also make sure your firewall isn't
blocking the addresses and ports shown in the message.

Error 211: HydroCAD License Error
An error has occurred while communicating with the
license server. The error message will contain further details. The most
likely cause of this error is a firewall or VPN blocking access to the server.
Note: If the message contains a reference to "localhost", your HydroCAD
installation is incomplete, and you should reinstall the software.
Important: Make sure your firewall is not blocking or
filtering traffic on the specified addresses and ports. Having the specified
ports "open" is not sufficient. Since the license manager may run non-standard
traffic over these ports, you must also disable any packet inspection or
filtering on the specified ports. Certain internet providers may also be
operating a firewall that restricts access to the license server.
Details here.

Error 212: License Error: Session record not found
While ending the current HydroCAD session, the session record was not
found. This indicates a configuration problem, where two or more users are
assigned the same user ID value. To prevent possible data loss, it is essential
that each user have a unique user ID. To prevent a reoccurrence, HydroCAD will
automatically create a new user ID for this user. If the error reoccurs, contact
HydroCAD support for further assistance.
Technical notes: A unique user ID is automatically created the first time
each user runs HydroCAD. The same user ID is automatically used for each
subsequent HydroCAD session. If the user's HydroCAD registry settings are copied
from another user, this can cause both users to operate with the same user ID,
thus generating this error.
Note: This error will be recorded in the event log as "Missing
session record".

213: Improper Shutdown
The last time you used HydroCAD it was not shut down properly. This
will prevent the license from being released, so that others who are sharing
this license may be unable to use HydroCAD. An improper shutdown also prevents
the usage details from being recorded, resulting in incomplete statistics on the Help|Dashboard screen.
For proper operation of the license manager, it is essential that you close
HydroCAD at the end of each session. Shutting down Windows (or turning off your
computer) while HydroCAD is still running will prevent the session from
completing normally, and can result in data loss.
When you see this message the abandoned session has been
successfully cleared. Click OK to run HydroCAD. If you do not see
the HydroCAD screen, it may be hidden behind another window, or it could be on a
monitor that has been removed or repositioned.
Details here.
Note: This warning will be recorded in the event log as "Orphan
session removed".

214: User Count Exceeded
The maximum number of users allowed for this license has already been
reached, so you will not be able to run HydroCAD at this time. If you believe
the message to be incorrect, a list of active users is provided so you can
verify who is actually using the software.
Note: If one of the users did not exit HydroCAD properly, they will still
consume one user count. To correct the problem, have them start HydroCAD and then exit.
Details here.
If this doesn't remove the "orphan" session, contact technical support for

215: License Expired
Your HydroCAD license has expired on the date shown. You will still be given
limited access to the software, but the node capacity will be reduced so that
you will not be able to save your work or print multi-page reports. To restore
the full capacity of your software you must renew your license.

216: Unlicensed Version
You are currently running a version of HydroCAD that is not included in your
current license. You will still be given limited access to the software, but the
node capacity will be reduced so that you will not be able to save your work or
print multi-page reports. To restore the full capacity of your software you must
update your license, or reinstall the earlier version for which you are fully

217: Invalid License Parameter
An invalid parameter was encountered while communicating with
the license server. The actual error message will provide further details.
If necessary, contact technical support for

218: HydroCAD is already running
HydroCAD is specifically designed to run as a single
instance. If you attempt to launch a second instance it will activate the
original instance, passing it any command line parameters that may be present.
This error will occur only if the previous instance cannot be found.
If necessary, contact technical support for

219: Unable to Halt HydroCAD
An attempt was made to halt the existing HydroCAD session using the /H command-line option, but HydroCAD did not close within the expected time. In order to release the HydroCAD session you will need to close HydroCAD manually.

Warning 220: License Expiring
Your HydroCAD license will expire on the date shown. To maintain full program capabilities you must renew your license by this date.
This notice will appear once each day until your license is renewed, or we are notified that you do not wish to renew your license.

Error 400: Outdated project file
This project was created with the HydroCAD 5.91 prototype, which used a preliminary file format that is not supported by later versions of HydroCAD.
If the project was imported from HydroCAD-5 (or earlier), you can correct the problem by importing the project again. Otherwise, you should delete the file.
Note: Project files are normally upward compatible with all later versions. It is only the 5.91 prototype format that is incompatible with later versions.

Error 405: Unknown File Extension
HydroCAD is unable to open the specified file because the file extension is unknown.
This error should never occur in normal use of HydroCAD. It probably means that the file extension is not properly configured in Windows, so that HydroCAD is being asked to open a file that should be associated with another application.
The error can also occur if you run HydroCAD from a command line and include a data file with an incorrect extension,
or if you right-click an unknown file type and force Windows to "Open with
Note: To open a project file from HydroCAD-5 or earlier, use Project|Import.

Error 410: Cannot load file
HydroCAD is unable to load the file because it contains unrecognized data. The first unrecognized line is displayed.
This message can occur if the file is damaged, or if it was created with a newer version of HydroCAD that implements features that are not present in your current version. While project files are always upward compatible (with newer versions of HydroCAD), they are not necessarily backward compatible.
If the project was created on another HydroCAD system, compare the version numbers to see if you need to update your program. Information on the latest update can be found on the HydroCAD web site, or by selecting Help|Check for Update.

Error 420: Cannot lock file
HydroCAD was unable to lock the project file.
To ensure exclusive file access, HydroCAD places a full read/write lock of each project file as long as the project is open. If it is unable to obtain a full lock, the project is closed and this error occurs.
If the file is on a read-only medium (such as a CD-ROM) copy the file to a local disk drive where you have full read/write access.
Check the file properties by right-clicking the file and selecting "Properties". Make sure the "Read-only" box is not checked.
Make sure the file is not currently open in any program, including HydroCAD.
Make sure you have adequate network permissions for the specified file and folder.
Note: If you transport a file using a CD-ROM or other write-protected media, the file will normally remain read-only even when copied back to a writable media! After transporting the file, you must remove the read-only file status as described above.

Error 430: Cannot open file
HydroCAD was unable to open the file. This can occur if the file is already locked by HydroCAD or by another application, or if an error occurred while reading the file.
Make sure the file is not currently open in any program, including HydroCAD.
Make sure you have adequate network permissions for the specified file and folder.

Error 440: Cannot open Units Definition
HydroCAD was unable to open the specified units definition file.
If the project uses a standard units definition, the file may have been deleted. Reinstall HydroCAD to ensure that all required files are present.
If the project uses a custom units definition, you must place a copy of the custom file in your HydroCAD program folder.

Error 445: Invalid Units Definition
HydroCAD was unable to read the contents of the specified units definition file or the custom project units.
If the project uses a standard units definition, the file may have been damaged. Reinstall HydroCAD to ensure that all required files are present.
If the project uses a custom units definition, the file formatting may be incorrect. Recheck the file to be sure your changes are consistent with the required format.
If the project uses custom project units, verify the units formatting on the Setting|Units screen.

447 Missing Units Parameter
HydroCAD could not find a definition for the
specified units parameter. The missing parameter will appear in screens and
reports with a question mark (?) instead of the correct units. This situation
may cause incorrect entry and reporting of the specified parameter, and should
be corrected immediately:
If the project uses a custom units definition
file, the file may be outdated, and may not contain new parameters that were
added in a subsequent HydroCAD release. To correct this problem and make the
file fully portable to any newer version:
1) Open the Settings|Units screen.
2) Select one of the standard unit definition files.
3) Use the Custom button to customize the desired parameter(s).
If the project already uses one of the standard
units definition files, the file may have been damaged. Reinstall HydroCAD to
ensure that the correct files are present.

Error 460: TR-20 Import Failed
Invalid data was encountered while importing a TR-20 data file.
This usually indicates a damaged or improperly formatted TR-20 input file. The error message will indicate the exact reason for the failure. Correct the file as required.
For further information read about the TR-20 import procedure.

Warning 470: Background Image Failed
An error occurred while displaying the diagram background image. To
correct the problem, make sure a valid image file is specified on the
Settings/Diagram screen.

Warning 471: Image Node Failed
An error occurred while displaying the image for a Text/Image node. To
correct the problem, make sure a valid image file is specified on the Image tab
of the Text/Image node.

Error 500: Invalid Time Span or dt
The time span settings are invalid. Select Settings|Calculation and verify the values on the Time Span tab.

Error 510: Incompatible routing methods
The reach routing and pond routing methods are not compatible. You cannot mix different routing methods.
Select Settings|Calculation and verify the settings on the General tab.

Error 520: Illegal loop involving xxx
The routing diagram contains a loop involving the specified node. Loops are not allowed with dynamic or sequential routing methods, since the routing sequence cannot be determined.
There are two ways to resolve this situation:
1) Change the routing so the loop is eliminated.
2) Switch to a simultaneous routing method, which is able to process loop flows. To change the routing method(s) select Settings|Calculation.

Error 530: Area required with exfiltration velocity
The pond's storage data is not sufficient to define the area required by your exfiltration outlet.