HydroCAD® Stormwater Modeling - Since 1986

Software Status Bulletin # 117

Subject: Reach water level display

Applies to: HydroCAD 8.0-9.1


When using a custom reach cross-section, the water surface elevation may not be drawn correctly.


When using a custom reach cross-section that includes more than one bay, the water surface will only be shown in the first bay, unless it exceeds the high point between the bays.


This is strictly a cosmetic issue in the reach summary report, and does not effect any of the numerical results.


This is strictly a reporting issue, and has no other effect on the operation of the software.  The actual reach calculations are correct and do use multiple bays whenever they are present.  This can be verified by examining the tabular stage-area report for the reach.

This problem is corrected in HydroCAD-10.

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